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Step to Work

Step to Work is an online programme hosted on e-learning for health (eLfh) which can be accessed by anyone.

The overall aim of Step to Work is to provide an additional layer of support for AHPs transitioning into employment. This includes but not limited to those that are newly qualified, internationally educated or returning to practice. Access Step to Work and view the implementation guide.

For those using Step to Work outside of the UK, the programme is available via eintegrity. To support the national launch of this online programme, a series of webinars were hosted by NHS England which can be viewed below.

Please click here to view the Step to Work launch webinar

To understand how Step to Work is implemented and the benefits it can bring, please view written case studies and the view the animation video here.

If you would like to view this in any other format, please contact: england.ahp-preceptorship@nhs.net.