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HEE Star: Accelerating workforce redesign

Across England, each region has its own, individual challenges around both shortages in staff and upskilling their local NHS workforce – the nurses, pharmacists, doctors, healthcare scientists, and the many other healthcare professionals that provide care and support to those who access our services.

No healthcare system is exactly the same, and these challenges often require tailored solutions. With so many competing priorities, and the ever-present need to deliver value for money within public services, finding these solutions can be incredibly complex.  

This is where the HEE Star can help.

As outlined in the recently published We are the NHS: People Plan for 2020/21, Health Education England has developed a simple but effective model to support workforce transformation, enabling those responsible for delivering healthcare services to explore workforce challenges in more detail, and develop bespoke action plans to address them.

A facilitated HEE Star workshop supports you to hold productive conversations about the challenges your healthcare system faces, and an accompanying online directory signposts to over 300 opportunities, products, and resources available through HEE that can help design solutions to these challenges.  Support is available to help you both scope your particular workforce challenge and then use the directory to its best effect.

The HEE Star model and workshops 

“All improvement happens project by project and in no other way” - Joseph Juran  

Do you have a specific workforce issue that you need to find a solution to?  

The HEE Star is based around five key areas that can help to make positive improvements to the way care is delivered for students, staff, and patients, in a variety of settings.  

Our trained colleagues can work with you to help plan and deliver a Star workshop to look at the specific challenges within your healthcare system.  Harnessing local knowledge and subject matter expertise to explore this in more detail, by the end of a HEE Star workshop you’ll identify a broad range of potential projects that can help to deliver improvement.   

The accompanying online directory signposts to opportunities, products, and resources to help design solutions to a wide range of workforce and training challenges. Find out more about this below.

For support to use the HEE Star model or online directory, contact us at transformation@hee.nhs.uk 

HEE Star online directory

The HEE Star online directory contains over 300 resources available through HEE to help you design bespoke solutions to workforce challenges.

Framed around five key areas that can help make improvements to the way care is delivered for students, staff, and patients, there’s planning tools, e-learning and other training and development packages, toolkits, case studies, and frameworks. 

These can be tailored to specific system priorities, clinical settings, or training and development needs. A simple search function allows you to quickly find the content you are looking for.

Read our handy guide to using the Star directory below.  

For support to use the HEE Star model or online directory, contact us at transformation@hee.nhs.uk

Click on the HEE Star directory landing page below to take a look for yourself. 

Star store landing page

"The HEE Star gave us a really clear framework to guide workforce discussions to get the outcomes needed" - Lucy Baker, Director of Service Delivery, Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

Hear more about the experiences of using the HEE Star from some of our partners at Star TV.

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