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Medical Associate Professions

The NHS has seen the emergence of new professional roles working within multi-professional teams as part of the continuing drive to provide safe, accessible high-quality care for patients in hospital and community services. Medical Associate Professions (MAP) roles have been identified as part of the solution to workforce issues outlined in the NHS People Plan.

Our work to date

Through our MAPs Oversight Board, we work in partnership with representatives of the devolved administrations, Medical Royal Colleges and their affiliated faculty representatives, to develop and shape the post-registration education, training and careers for each of the three MAPs roles.

This will help define the role of medical associate professionals and other non-medical roles:

  • Identify and describe the professional skills, knowledge and behaviours required to deliver high quality, compassionate care and support
  • Consider how further development of these roles could be streamlined and supported nationally
  • Create an overarching professional title to form a common professional identity

Core Capabilities Framework

In February 2021, HEE commissioned Skills for Health to lead the development of a MAPs core capabilities framework. This was published in June 2022. The framework can be used alongside other professional frameworks, standards and guidelines and will be of value to those delivering, planning, and developing services and roles including medical associate professions at all stages of their career, service managers and those commissioning both education and clinical services. 

It can be used as the basis for formal or informal appraisal, alongside a training needs analysis, comparing current skills and knowledge with those that are required, as well as assisting staff in the development of a portfolio of evidence of capability.

It sets out clear expectations for each of the MAPs roles about the requirements for effective and safe practice. It provides clarity about characteristics and requirements as well as setting out a structure of core capabilities to practice. There are high level descriptors so that more detailed skills and knowledge can be agreed and developed within the acute, community and primary care settings these roles work in.


Regulation update

In July 2019, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) asked the General Medical Council to regulate physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs).

HEE and the MAP Oversight Board will continue to work with the Department to progress statutory regulation for AAs and PAs. We will support the development of a legislative framework and route to statutory regulation for surgical care practitioners and future roles into the MAP group.


For more information

Read our Impact Case Studies for Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates including the Project Summary here.

Learn more about the roles of Medical Associate Professions on the Health Careers website.

For more information about the benefits of employing Medical Associate Professions visit NHS Employers.


Establishing Common Standards for Continuing Professional Development, Assessment and Appraisal

Working with our Royal College and faculty partners, we have developed the 'Establishing Common Standards for Continuing Professional Development, Assessment and Appraisal Guidelines for Medical Associate Professionals'.

This document provides clear guidance for the trained and qualified MAP NHS workforce, and sets out common standards for ongoing CPD, assessment and appraisal. This guidance should be used to enable MAPs, with the support of employers, to plan, institute, maintain and evidence their ongoing clinical, academic, and professional learning to common standards via their commitment to their professional development.

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