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How does the modelling work?

The modelling underpinning the Addressing Health Inequalities: Distribution of Medical Specialty Training Programme is comprised of two distributional analyses.  

There are 65 GMC-recognised specialties (and 31 sub-specialties) that trainees may choose to study, there is no one simple and comprehensive methodology that could be applied to each specialty to cover every nuance of population and trainee need. To address this, combined modelling between NHSE (allocation formula) and HEE has been undertaken factoring in additional factors such as deprivation, future population need and the role of specialised commissioning. Where no HEE analysis or equivalent is available, distribution is based off the NHSE model.   

In 2017, the HEE Board agreed that the focus of this work would be on postgraduate medical tariff funded posts only. This modelling also includes a 20% weighting to account for deprivation across England via the Standardised Mortality Rate (SMR) for 75<.