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Bottlenecks in training

2 questions relating to this theme were raised, the collated answer is below:

Bottlenecks occur partly because of the structure of postgraduate training programmes and also because the number of training programmes available is limited by finite public financing; the structure of training is split between core training and higher specialty training with more entry points usually in core programmes than in higher for uncoupled programmes. Some colleges have adopted run-through training programmes that match training post availability throughout the whole programme. In addition, NHS England agreed to expansion in training posts across all specialties for 2022 and 2023 with further expansion anticipated for 2024. As part of the redistribution workstream, task and finish groups made up of senior consultants and trainee representatives from each speciality in scope have been brought together ahead of planned changes to the distribution of speciality training posts. This has helped to identify and mitigate potential bottle necks and specialty specific requirements.