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Case for change

Key elements for case for change

  • Time saved for over 60,000 doctors in training: Optimum Employment Models represent an opportunity to minimise time spent on administrative employment checks or on boarding, for instance, currently required for each rotation during training - time that could be spent providing patient care.

  • Improved employee services: Lead Employers aim to ensure improved access to occupational health, wellbeing and HR support services throughout rotations for all doctors and dentists in training under the model, regardless of their host organisation.

  • Improved trainee experience: improved access to employee services, continuity of the employer relationship and reduce time spent repeating induction or administrative onboarding tasks is likely to improve trainee experience, particularly for those who rotate frequently.

  • Reduced variation in trainee experience: expanding Lead Employer Models across England is likely to reduce variation in trainee experience and employer services offered for doctors and dentists in training, even if only at a regional level.

  • Improved patient care: minimising onboarding or induction time means that trainees are released earlier to their training. Improved trainee wellbeing is also expected to indirectly benefit patients, as well-supported trainees are more likely to provide better care.

  • Reduced administrative burden for host staff: an aspect of the intended purpose of Lead Employer Models is also to minimise the administrative burden on host organisations, such as in the context of organising trainee pay or vaccine checks. Under the Optimum Employment Model, Lead Employer Organisations (LEO) would be properly resourced and compensated for taking on these services.