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Allied health professions (AHP) Faculties

An Allied health professions (AHP) Faculty is effectively a group of AHPs within an Integrated Care System, which meet regularly to work towards common goals. An Allied health professions (AHP) Faculty provides the infrastructure to facilitate system-wide working between health and care providers and HEIs. There are many benefits of working in this way which include; ensuring Allied health professions (AHP) students have sufficient access to rich learning environments and creating sustainable and innovative recruitment and retention strategies to ensure our pipeline of Allied health professions (AHP) professionals continues to thrive and grow.

Midlands Allied health professions (AHP) Faculties

Each Allied health professions (AHP) Faculty has it's own priorities but are guided by Health Education England's national agenda. This year (2022/23), HEE has 4 core areas of focus;

  • Leadership, System and Process Infrastructure: Building Capability and Capacity
  • Workforce Data and Intelligence
  • Foundation Preceptorship and Early Careers Support
  • Support Workforce

Below is a list showing the AHP Faculty Lead and contact details in each of the Midlands ICS's. Please get in touch with your local Lead to find out more about the current work and innovations from the Faculty.

A list of Midlands regionsKey:

  1. Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent
  2. Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
  3. Derbyshire
  4. Lincolnshire
  5. Nottinghamshire
  6. Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
  7. The Black Country
  8. Birmingham and Solihull
  9. Coventry and Warwickshire
  10. Herefordshire and Worcestershire
  11. Northamptonshire