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Commitment 2 – To offer advanced practice MSc development to staff working in teams that meet the criteria

Support for individuals and organisations wishing to complete a MSc Advanced Practice in Learning Disability or Autism.

During 2022/2023/2024 a funding offer has been made available for multi-professional practitioners working in eligible services.   The MSc Advanced Clinical Practice qualification that integrates either a learning disability or an autism credential aligning to the Advanced Clinical Practice: Capabilities framework when working with people who have a learning disability and/or autism must be completed

Reflecting service needs, the level of support offered is greater than the standard advanced practice offer.

The development of two Multi-professional advanced practice credentials has provided the opportunity to tailor the MSc Advanced Practice programme to better meet the needs of individuals working in learning disability and autism services. An MSc in Advanced Practice with specialty credentials within learning disability and autism can include either of the credentials below depending on the role and or the organisation

  1. Advanced Practice Credential Specification: Supporting people with learning disabilities, including people with a learning disability who are autistic

  2. Advanced Practice Credential Specification in Autism (children, young people and adults of all ages)

The specialist credentials can either be delivered as an integral part of advanced practice Master’s degrees, or following successful completion of an advanced practice MSc (or demonstration of educational equivalence).

To hear from those who are training and working in advanced practice in learning disability and autism, click here.

The credentials must be delivered as an integral part of advanced practice Master’s degrees. By exception, they can be delivered as top up modules for someone who has already completed their MSc .

To hear from those who are training and working in advanced practice in learning disability and autism please click here.

Funding for 2023/2024 has been confirmed at an additional £10,000 per trainee per year and the funding is subject to treasury approval.

For further details on opportunities in advanced practice, please contact the appropriate regional faculty lead at the following email addresses: 

North West acp.nw@hee.nhs.uk  

North East and Yorkshire neyadvancedpractice@hee.nhs.uk  

East of England eoeapfaculty@hee.nhs.uk  



South West advancingpractice.sw@hee.nhs.uk  

South East acpenquiries.se@hee.nhs.uk  

Or contact
