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Funding Arrangements


For students

Is there any indication as to the number of places available for the funding support offer within my region? 

The number of NHS England funded places will be agreed via the budgets within the region for the financial year, which is based on demand data received from provider organisations.

Please contact your chosen organisation for further information.


How do I receive the funding after I’ve applied and been successful?

Once your university/employer submits your details to NHS England (previously Health Education England) this will trigger the funding being released to your university/employer.

Your employer will be responsible for paying your salary for the duration of the programme.


I was unsuccessful in securing a funded post, am I still able to join the programme if I self-fund? For example, if I have a student visa and am internationally educated, or I was unsuccessful in receiving a commissioned place.

It may be possible for you to self-fund however it is recommended you discuss this with your chosen university as 50% of the programme is placement-based and therefore you would still require an NHS organisation to agree to support your programme and host your placement.


For employers

What happens to the funding if a student has a leave of absence on their programme – does the funding ‘pause’ and only get ‘returned’ if the student doesn’t continue with their studies?

Depending on the nature of the leave request, tuition funding is usually paused and reinstated once the student returns to the programme.

Universities must ensure they contact the relevant region when a student pauses, leaves the programme, requires an extension, or relocates as the funding route is subject to change in future years.

There may be a limit to how long the student can pause for. Please advise the student to discuss this with their university.

Each case will be reviewed individually in line with the NHS England Policy for Education Funding Extensions.


Are international applicants eligible for the funding for the Shortened Midwifery Training Programme?

Yes, however they may need to self-fund on a student visa and ensure they are meeting the conditions of their visa.

Further guidance on eligibility is available from Student Finance England. Additional information is available on home fee status and student support

Applicants must hold NMC Adult Nurse Registration and be employed by an NHS organisation during the programme.


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