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East of England: Awaken the dormant prescriber (secondary care)


This case looks at how one higher education institute (HEI), the University of East Anglia, worked with secondary care stakeholders to identify the key services a prescribing pharmacist could deliver in a hospital setting. The HEI used existing resources to support dormant prescribers to re-enter the workforce. This is a median-term approach to increasing pharmacist DPP capacity, system-wide. 

This project is in the pilot stage.

Project lead: xxxxxxx

Local challenges

  • Lack of conversion from qualified independent prescribing pharmacists to active prescribers in the clinical setting
  • How pharmacist independent prescribers can use their skills in clinical practice, including employers' understanding of how to best utilise a pharmacist independent prescriber 
  • Workforce pressures in East of England

Novel intervention

  • Bespoke continuing professional development (CPD) modules were selected in conversation with key local stakeholders to re-establish baseline confidence and competence in key areas of prescribing
  • Bespoke modules are from the University of East Anglia's Newly Qualified Pharmacist Independent Prescribing course
  • The modules supplement pharmacists’ current roles and responsibilities (i.e. Therapeutic Dose Monitoring)
  • This standardisation of training for pharmacist independent prescribers has created multiple prescribers working within a similar scope of practice to create a sustainable ward-based service
  • Further work in plan for a Learning Needs Analysis, to identify barriers to prescribing and to match modules to learning needs

Local DPP database?

Not at present

Timescale and resources

  • The bespoke CPD modules are an existing resource. However, resources include the time to engage stakeholders and dormant prescribers
  • Modules can be funded through the NHS England funded CPD commission for NHS pharmacists (hospital, ICB training hubs), and can be accessed immediately through a rolling application process  

Key advice and lessons learnt

  • Look outwards for immediate DPP capacity and inwards for median-term DPP growth
  • This problem can’t be solved with self-directed study (or else it wouldn’t be a problem) and so the format of the modules matters to ensure psychological safety, networking opportunities and momentum. Used approach of self-directed preparation - contact day with expert - assessment and validation

Research and evaluation

Feedback will be from learning resources and contact days. For more information, please contact the project lead: xxxxx