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Sexual orientation is another of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act. It is unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their sexual orientation.

  • This resource will help you to understand what the abbreviation LGTBQIA+ stands for and gives more detailed information of each term.
  • Online medical service Livi produce an LGTBQIA+ healthcare glossary, supporting healthcare professionals to use more inclusive language in healthcare setting when treating LGTBQIA+ people.
  • The British Medical Association produces a guide to Inclusive care of trans and non-binary patients. Its primary audience is doctors. However, there are useful tips for all healthcare professionals.
  • The RPS has information on the work they are doing to ensure people can feel like their authentic selves at work.
  • The US National LGBT Health Education Center have produced a guide for healthcare staff on providing inclusive services and care for LGBT people. The guide is targeted at an American audience so there are some differences to UK healthcare. There are some helpful case studies on page 7 and page 12 which are worth looking at and reflecting on.