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Social Diversity (including faith)

Cultural competence is a key aspect of providing quality and safe care. Health professionals need to understand the key issues relating to culture and how this may influence the uptake of healthcare and treatment options. Under the Equality Act is unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their race, religion, or belief.

  • The Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education have hub of resources on culturally competent person-centred care. This includes assessments, quizzes, e-learning resources, and further reading. It can be accessed here. You can access an eLfH package on Cultural Competence from this link which is made up of three 20 to 30 minute learning sessions
  • As part of the Inclusive Pharmacy Practice work, a resource pack on delivering culturally competent healthcare for communities and people with an ethnic minority background has been produced.

Microaggressions are ‘verbal, non-verbal and environmental slights, snubs and insults which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages and behaviours that target a person based on their protected characteristic or belonging to a marginalised group’ (RPS).

The RPS have produced a series of resources exploring microaggressions including information on what they look like, different forms, challenging microaggressions and micro-affirmations. There are also 2 webinars on disability and race microaggressions you may wish to watch: