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North West Population Health and Prevention Network (NWPHPN)

North West Population Health and Prevention Network (NWPHPN) is a multi-professional public health network funded by Health Education England - working across the North West. The network supports and develops the public health contribution and role of the healthcare, social care and voluntary sector workforce (wider public health workforce). The network that has an annual work programme based on the Health Education England mandate requirements and the NHS Long Term Plan.

The work programme is a shared plan between the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) NW and the school for Public Health NW. 

The network contributes to the vision set out in Core20PLUS5 (a national NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level) and the NHS Long Term Plan, specifically the strategic intentions associated with reduced health inequalities and improved population health outcomes. Developing a healthcare workforce that is fit for future health needs where care and services are provided by informal as well as formal health care providers. Key characteristics of our future health care workforce includes preventing ill health and assisting people to manage their own health care as appropriate – NWPHPN will enable this role, helping to create healthy cultures in NHS organisations – starting with the workforce. (The Kings Fund)

The network is specifically aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing role of a wide range of professions such as nurses, allied health professionals, midwives, health visitors, care workers, social workers and healthcare scientists (this is not an exhaustive list) across a range of settings such as local authorities, primary care, secondary care community care and voluntary sector settings.

-    Championing the importance and contribution of the wider public health workforce that is located across a wide variety of health care and voluntary sector settings

-    Supporting the population health and prevention role of the wider workforce through education, training, networking and information sharing

-    Access to a variety of updates, resources and opportunities to enhance your public health role.

-    Single point of contact for signposting to education and training opportunities here in the North West, including public health news, information and resources.

-    Help with the diffusion of ideas, research and information associated with public health including sharing public health work – particularly work led by the wider public health workforce.

-    Access to professional development opportunities – to include an annual events programme.

Learn more about the NW PHPN Team and Our Network Events.

For further information please visit www.nwpopulationhealth.nhs.uk or email phpn.northwest@hee.nhs.uk