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65% of learners confirmed that they know who their Freedom to Speak up Guardian is and how to access their support

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In 2021 nearly half of healthcare learners were not aware of who their local FTSUG was. A significant amount of work has been undertaken to promote the role of Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG) during 2022/23. The 2022 NETS confirmed that more of learners (65%) now know how to raise concerns with their FTSUG. During the 2022 self-assessment providers confirmed their ongoing commitment to provide a dedicated FTSUG who actively promotes organisational processes to raise concerns.

Speak Up, Listen Up, Follow Up, is a new e-learning package, aimed at everyone working in healthcare. Divided into three modules, it explains in a clear and consistent way what speaking up is and its importance in creating an environment in which people are supported to deliver their best.

We also have a useful animation that you can watch below: