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Exploring Retention of Pre-registration AHP Students - 2023

Two virtual webinars were hosted by NHS England WT&E Midlands AHP team on 11th and 12th October 2023. The webinars shared the findings of the work that WT&E AHP team in the Midlands have been doing on gaining student voices and discussions with HEIs on the challenges around student retention and how the HEIs have approached addressing these.

Webinar one included two case study presentations: Overcoming additional travel costs associated with clinical placements by Charlotte Carter-Lang from University of Leicester and Emotional Resilience by Maria Reynolds from University Hospital Birmingham.


Webinar two included three case study presentations: Approach to recruitment of ODP students by Amanda Cox from University of Leicester, identifying students at risk of leaving by Elizabeth Crisp from Staffordshire University and Student-Led Physiology Drop-in Centre by Hora Ejtehadi from Birmingham City University.