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Returning to nursing - NMC Test of Competence (ToC)

The Test of Competence (ToC) provides a quicker way to return to practice compared to the established routes

The ToC is made up of two parts:  

Individuals can arrange themselves to sit the Test of Competence for which they will be required to pay a fee, this fee can then be claimed back from NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (NHSE WT&E) once the individual has returned to the register and is in NHS employment. Employers can also be reimbursed by contacting their Regional Return to Practice Lead (contact information can be found here) and completing this form. 

Individuals can apply to sit the Test of Competence through the NMC website, where they will also find lots of preparation materials and essential reading to help with revision for the test. If you would like to find out more, please feel free to contact us via email.

Some organisations are recruiting individuals who wish to return to the nursing register as a support role. They are put through the Test of Competence and then deployed into a nursing role within the organisations.

Damian Burke, an Endoscopy Nurse at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, took this route, listen to him talk about his journey. You can watch the informative video below: