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Abdulasis Mohamed

Meet Abdul, a final year mental health nursing student at Middlesex University

Abdulasis Mohammad

My career journey: 

I am currently in my third, and final, year of a mental health nursing course at Middlesex University. 

How did I get here? 

I did an access to nursing course in college. The course was fantastic and gives you a basic understanding of the role of a nurse and it really allowed me to see whether this was the career for me or not. I also learnt the basics of essay writing skills and studied level two Maths and English.  

I have worked many different jobs prior to embarking on this journey. I am grateful for this as it has allowed me to think outside the box and bring in new ideas drawing from skills I learnt in previous roles. 

Did I always want to be a nurse? 

No, this is something that grew in me when I got older. I developed a passion for wanting to make a difference but also build a lifelong career. 

The future... 

My goal is to work in the NHS where I hope to continue to learn and grow as well as taking on additional responsibilities and contribute as much value as possible. 

About me: 

My spare time... 

I like to spend time with family and friends, as well as keeping active by going to the gym, or playing football with friends on Sundays. I also enjoy going for long woodland walks.  

My hobbies... 

I have a number of hobbies such as powerlifting, playing football and listening to audio books. I also enjoy photography, however this is something I am hoping to improve! 

My favourite book... 

Currently I would have to say Emotional Intelligence 2.0. 


I have a cat called Simba! 

My passions... 

I am passionate about learning new things such as new languages and cultures. 

How I look after my mental wellbeing... 

I use exercise to help me with my mental wellbeing, I think it is really important to find something outside of work and study that you like doing even if it’s doing nothing but switching off, offloading stress and living in the present moment.