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Ajirioghene Joyce Akpoviri

Meet Ajirioghene Joyce Akpoviri, a second year adult nursing student at the University of Central Lancashire. 

Ajirioghene Joyce Akpoviri My career journey...

I have previously worked as a biology classroom teach and laboratory assistant at a general hospital after completing my first degree in human physiology. I knew I always wanted a career which could enable me to help people, but it was watching the courage of the nurses on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic which inspired me to study nursing.  

My favourite part of nursing...

The joy and sense of purpose of fulfilment in life when you nurture people.  

My future ambitions... 

I would love to become a post-operative nurse and a practice educator to help prospective nursing students.  




About me:

What I do with my spare time... 

I love running and lifting weights in my spare time. I also love spending time with my family and friends.

My feel good song...

I love all kind of music from pop to hip hop, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, reggae, country, and afrobeat. My go to feel good song is mood dependent. 

Looking after my mental wellbeing... 

I take time for myself to reset and recharge.  


My advice for current or prospective nursing students...

Don't stop believing in yourself no matter what happens.

  • Passion and excitement will get you started, but commitment and discipline will keep you going. 

  • You cannot give what you do not have, please love you and be kind to you. 

  • It is okay to have bad days, when those days come, always remember the reason you started.