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Amy Crowle

Meet Amy a learning disability nursing student from the University of Cumbria.

My Career Journey...

For me, it has always been a career in nursing or law. After completing my a-levels I went onto study law and politics at the University of Ulster (in Northern Ireland), from there I went onto studying the Legal Practice Course (LPC) in York. Throughout this time studying I also volunteered with children with learning disabilities and/or autism, as well as at a school for children with cerebral palsy. Both these experiences left me passionate about wanting to do the best for children and people who have a disability and to support, encourage and give respite to their families and carers.  

I then had my own children and suffered postnatal depression. After getting the help I needed, I found my path again. But law had moved on and then my daughter was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and nursing began to resurface. So, I worked as a cleaner and in retail to work around my children. When my youngest finally went to high school, I went back to university! 

In 2021 it was my turn to build my life and my career, and since then I have put everything into it.  

Learning disability nursing combines my life experiences and fits me and my values. My degree has allowed me so many opportunities. I could not have contemplated this adventure in nursing without all the opportunities, choices, and experiences which I have had throughout my career. 


About me:

What I do with my spare time... 

I have two Labrador retrievers which need walking, and they both love swimming so I am often out in Morecombe. They are beautiful dogs, but both moult a lot! 

I love going to the cinema, one of my favourites being Avatar 2 in 3D. I also went to see the 30th anniversary of Terminator 2 a few years ago. 

I am currently re-reading ‘Tale of Two Cities’ (Charles Dickens), my next book is ‘A paradise built in Hell’ (Rebecca Solnit) which a very old and good friend sent me. I am also re-watching ER and the entire series of Pheonix Nights (again!).

Looking after my mental health... 

Taking care of yourself is important. If that means going climbing, or knitting or seeing a therapist to help you understand yourself better and help you to build a clear path, then do what you need!

My advice to someone wanting to take a similar career path is to be clear on your choices and why you are making them and get help when you need it.  

Also, if an opportunity comes your way, at the very least, consider it fully.

1. Start revision/assignments as early as possible 

2. Buy a diary and always keep it with you 

3. Get advice if you are struggling  

There are so many nursing podcasts and books which helped me. Take time to find a couple you like. I read ‘The Student Nurse Handbook’ by Bethann Siviter and ‘Straight A nursing’ is an interesting podcast to listen too.  

Make sure you also get yourself a good anatomy and physiology book.