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Amy Macauley

Meet Amy, a master's student in adult nursing at the University of Manchester. 


My career journey, so far... 

I completed my non-nursing undergraduate degree at Newcastle University. After graduating I had various roles working at the university. During the COVID-19 pandemic I was furloughed and re-considered my career as I wanted to do something more meaningful, so I started my masters! 

What I enjoy most about my studies... 

I really enjoyed my anatomy and physiology modules and clinical stimulation classes for skills like venipuncture, cannulation and catheterisation.  

What makes me proud to be a nursing student... 

Despite current pressures, I am proud to be part of a workforce of registered nurses and healthcare professionals who continue to provide compassionate care for patients under challenging conditions. 

My future ambitions... 

I would like to work in an accident and emergency (A&E) department. I have completed spoke placements here and I enjoy the fast-paced environment and sense of teamwork between the different professions.  

My advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path... 

Discuss your thoughts with people you know are currently working in a role you would like to do in the future, they will be able to share the realities of the job. 

Don’t be embarrassed to go back to university when you are older, you will have unique and valuable perspectives to bring from your life experience. This can also help when relating to patients.  

My final piece of advice would be don’t be afraid to ask to practice your skills during clinical placements – this is something I struggled with but at the end of the day it is my degree and no one else is going to do it for me! 

About me: 

What I do with my spare time... 

I go to aerial hoop classes which I have been doing for the last 4 years. Also, when I get a chance I love going surfing in Northern Ireland or Cornwall.  

My favourite TV series... 

I have just finished watching House of the Dragon which was brilliant. I am also a big fan of the Handmaid’s Tale and RuPaul’s Drag Race. 

My podcast recommendation... 

I am currently listening to the podcast ‘My Therapist Ghosted Me’ which is very funny.  

Books I would recommend to nursing students... 

The language of Kindness – Christie Watson 

With the End in Mind – Kathyrn Mannix 

When Breath Becomes Air – Paul Kalanithi  

My feel good song... 

You just can’t beat a bit of ‘Dreams’ by Gabrielle 

My pets... 

I have a cat and a working cocker spaniel, who definitely keeps me on my toes. 

Looking after my mental wellbeing... 

I love cooking and think it is a good way to focus on the present after a busy or difficult day. My advice would be to make time for activities that are separate from the course you are studying!