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Claire Snelling

Meet Claire an adult nursing student at the University of Chester

Claire SnellingMy career journey... 

Before university I worked within the supply chain sector with logistics. I wanted to go to university and pursue a career I loved but it took some time for me to figure out that nursing was for me. After talking to family members who are also in the healthcare field, I realised my passion for nursing and here I am! 

What makes me proud to be a nursing student... 

The people I have the chance to meet, and knowing I’ve made a difference for them. I have learnt so much about myself and how to be there for so many people at times of need but also just to support people whether it be another student, an individual in hospital or their family. A thank you just tops off the day! 

Student roles I have... 

I have a few student roles alongside my degree; these are – Co-chair for the Chester Nursing Program and Warrington site, Student voice Representative and Student Quality Ambassador and a Northwest Student Council Member. 


About me: 

My favourite TV series... 

I’m a marvel fan through and through; I can’t count how many times I’ve watched all of the films and shows on repeat. 

My pets... 

My family loves pets (we have lots)! Right now, I live at home with a cat – her name is Tilly. She’s 13 but she acts more like 3 at times! Her cuddles help with my degree! 

My passions... 

I’m most passionate about education and looking at the ways we can make this wonderful career great for all. I’m a huge advocate for mental health wellbeing and raising the awareness for this. 


My three pieces of advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path... 

1.Go for it! You might doubt yourself but I’m telling you that you can do it even when there’s times you think you can't. 

2. Prepare, be organised, and just stay accountable and you’ll be okay. 

3. There are people there to support you through the journey, friends, family, staff and so many more. You won’t be alone; you get through anything with the right support!