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Emmie Hopkinson

Meet Emmie Hopkinson a third year child nursing student at Kingston University. 

A women taking a photo of herself, smiling at the camera

My career journey...

I am a third year children's nursing student at Kingston University.

How I got here...

Before starting my nursing degree, I worked as a flight attendant for three years. I had always dabbled with the idea of wanting to work in healthcare but only realised my ambition to become a paediatric nurse when I had a mid-flight medical emergency involving an infant. 

My future ambitions...

I want to become a paediatric emergency advanced nurse practitioner as well as a practice educator to help future nursing students.  

My advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path...

My first piece of advice is that although it can be scary, the aspiration to work in a job that fulfils you and makes you happy is worth taking the risk and my second piece of advice is find your people, a good support network will really help you. 


About me:

My spare time... 

I fill my spare time by reading. I love to read as much as I can! 

My favourite book... 

This has to be 'Educated' by Tara Westover and is definitely a recommended read! 

My go to feel good song... 

'I am the Best' by 2NE1. Definitely a much-needed song when I have had a long day.  


I have an 11-year-old Tibetan spaniel called Misty and she has been a huge help during my nursing degree! 

My passions... 

I am most passionate about education in healthcare degrees and mental health in children and young people. 

Looking after my mental wellbeing... 

It's so important to look after your mental health and the best way to do that is to find what works for you. Personally, I am not a bubble bath and face mask kind of person, but I do love to go for long walks and listening to podcasts.