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Georgia Darbyshire

Meet Georgia a foundation degree (FdSc) nursing associate at the University of Bolton.

My career journey... 

I haven’t always wanted to study to become a nursing associate, but I have previously worked in healthcare and this led me to want to pursue a career in healthcare further.  

What I like most about my studies... 

I love how much support I get from my university, and I really enjoy opportunities to be hands on completing practical work during placements. I love caring for patients and being there for people when they are in need of support.  

My future career... 

I am 6 months away from completing my nursing associate qualification and I have been successful in gaining a place on the top up course at the University of Bolton to become a registered adult nurse.  


About me... 

My spare time... 

Alongside my studies I work for NHS professionals as a care support worker. Aside from work I like to go out to new restaurants with friends and family, I also love cooking! Additionally, I spend a lot of time going for long walks with my friends, family and dog! 

My favourite film... 

Harry Potter! 

My feel-good song... 

Any ABBA song, hard to pick just one! 

Looking after my mental wellbeing...  

I like to go on long walks and make sure I take time away from my phone and my laptop.

My advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path is to go for it! It is the most rewarding job.  

Managing work life balance can be hard, but make sure you take time for yourself, don’t overload yourself with work, and make sure you plan your time to complete work, so you aren’t rushing to get things done at the last minute.