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Jenna Sanders

Meet Jenna an adult nursing student at the University of Chester.

Jenna SandersMy studies:

I am currently in my first year studying adult nursing and the University of Chester.

How I got here...

Originally, I was doing nothing to do with health and social care in college, and I was studying media, however I knew it wasn’t for me, but I knew I loved to help people.  So, after passing my maths GCSE I sat my Access to higher education: Allied Health course! I have also never worked in a care facility, but I have volunteered for my local hospital throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and I have recently helped in A&E. I went into my access course thinking I would use it to become a paramedic, but halfway through I changed my mind and decided I wanted to pursue a career in adult nursing.

My favourite part about the course...

I like the fact nursing isn’t like your typical university course, yes, we do exams and write essays, but we also get the chance to have hands on training through skills labs and placements. I have always said I am not the most academic person, so I love having a mixture.  

Why I love being a student nurse... 

I love that even as a student nurse I can help those in need and even though I am still training I am still making a difference. 


About me: 

My favourite TV series... 

My go to has to be Avatar the last air bender and the legend of Korra. 

My favourite book... 

I love the divergent trilogy. 

My feel-good song... 

Don’t you worry child by Swedish House Mafia. This was mine and my dad’s song who unfortunately passed in 2016.  

My passions... 

I am passionate about helping people! 

Looking after my mental wellbeing... 

Since going to university, I joined a gym and have taken up swimming. Staying active has really helped to improve my mental wellbeing. 

- Even if you have never done anything based in health and social care go for it. There is plenty of help you can get. Plus remember, you are not alone, many people also feel the same! 

- If you need help, ALWAYS ask for it! People want to help and support you. 

- If you’ve made a mistake, be honest, everyone makes mistakes, and it will push you to learn more.  

- It may seem hard, but keep pushing, show your resilience and you will go far.  

I think it can be hard going into first year and not knowing what to expect, but my friends and I always schedule some time to go to the library each week to complete work, so we don’t fall behind. We find this really helps with meeting deadlines!