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Kar Wai Tse, Gary

Meet Gary who is currently studying a Masters in Science (MSc) in Children's Nursing at the University of East Anglia.

Kar Wai Tse, GaryMy career journey, so far...

Before starting my MSc in Children’s nursing I worked in a hospital in Hong Kong, as part of the clerical staff in an accident and emergency (A&E) department. 

I have always wanted to be part of the nursing workforce and therefore I was excited to start my MSc in Children’s nursing. I have really enjoyed learning more about nursing and having the opportunity to complete placements in lots of different settings.  

My future ambitions... 

When I have completed my MSc I would love to continue my journey to becoming a children’s nurse in the UK and learning more about nursing.  


About me:

What I do with my spare time... 

I really enjoy attending and watching football matches. I also like spending time with my wife. 

My favourite film... 

This has to be The Shawshank Redemption.

My feel good song... 

The Beatles are my favourite band, I cannot pick just one! Listening to The Beatles always helps me to relax.  

My top tip for a career in healthcare... 

Be passionate about what you are planning to study, make sure to enjoy what you do! I would also make sure to priorities finding some time to rest every day and ensuring you have a good work-life balance.