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Karolyn McLaren

Meet Karolyn, a second year student midwife at the University of Salford.

Karolyn McLarenMy journey into midwifery...

Before starting my midwifery journey, I have worked in child protection, legal services and beauty, I have also previously studied at the University of Salford, completing a Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts!  

I have always dreamed of a career in midwifery, but life took me down other paths.  It was family who recently gave me the push to finally go for it and apply to study midwifery.  

I feel immensely lucky to be studying at the University of Salford and to be a part of the midwifery workforce. The tutors’ passions for midwifery care is inspiring. 

I feel so privileged to be able to be a part of a new family’s journey. 

Other opportunities I have got involved with... 

Alongside my studies I am also the midwifery cohort representative, supporting other students where I can and working to try and improve the student experience. I am also secretary of the midwifery society, our aim being to enhance student’s experience, education and mental health.   


About me:

I don’t have much spare time as I have 7 children and 4 Grandchildren who I am absolutely devoted to. I spend most of my time away from placement and university with my family and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also work part time and love catching up with friends.  

I have a guilty pleasure for reality tv, anything I can take my brain out to watch!  

I love a good musical and have some theatre adventures planned this year. My last trip was to see Wicked! 

Looking after myself... 

My life hasn’t always gone to plan and sometimes our greatest strengths come when we least expect them. I am so passionate about helping others and advocating for people who feel as though they haven’t got a voice, or those who have had their voice taken from them.   

Looking after myself usually comes last, but I am learning in order to be there for others, I need to make sure I have looked after myself first.  Making time for my friends is an important part of that, letting my hair down and remembering to have fun! 


My advice for anyone looking to study midwifery...

Research... midwifery is a difficult degree, challenging both academically and emotionally but if you are prepared to work hard, the rewards are amazing.  

Be Organised!! There are many elements to this course, and it is easy to lose track of deadlines and placement requirements if you’re not organised. 

Look after yourself!! Your mental health is important, make sure you have a good balance between study, work and home.   

I would highly recommend joining your university’s midwifery society, the teams behind the scenes work hard to help enhance your experience and are always looking for new ideas too!! 

Also, social media hosts many fabulous midwifery accounts and is a hub of information and further learning!!  

You are here because you are passionate about maternity care, believe in yourself and remember every challenge is an opportunity to learn a new lesson!