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Katie Wilmshurst

Meet Katie who is currently in her final year of the registered nurse degree apprenticeship (RNDA) programme studying adult nursing at the University of Brighton. 

Katie Wilmshurst

My career journey, so far... 

I am currently in the final year of my Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (RNDA) programme at the University of Brighton. I’ve worked within healthcare for 10 years and in 2015 I completed an apprenticeship with my previous employer to qualify as a Band 4 Assistant Practitioner. After moving to the NHS in 2018 I was successful in applying for the RNDA course with the University of Brighton supported by my NHS Trust and I began the two year course in February 2021.  I was also able to apply for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) which allowed me to reduce the length of the course from three to two years, in recognition of my earlier apprenticeship and previous experience in healthcare.  

I am a huge advocate of the apprenticeship route into nursing and healthcare. There are many highly skilled and experienced people within the NHS who are unable to access nursing through traditional routes and I think now, more than ever, we need to be encouraging people and helping them to access training. Apprentices have the potential to bring a unique set of skills and experience into the profession and more needs to be in place to support this. The RNDA programme is challenging but it is also very rewarding, and I feel proud to be able to progress and develop within my career via the apprenticeship route. 

My future ambitions... 

Initially to qualify in February 2023 and then to continue to learn and develop in my role as a registered nurse. One of the things that I love about nursing is the diversity of the role and the opportunities to learn and develop. 

I’ve spent most of my career working in the community and I hope to continue in the community when I qualify. 


About me.... 

What I do in my spare time... 

I enjoy running and going to the gym and this is definitely the best way for me to switch off from nursing and university life. 

My pets... 

I have 2 (spoilt!) guinea pigs called Bertie and Bruce and a cat called Dusty. 

How I balance working, studying and general life... 

I set realistic expectations - you can't do it all and you have to accept that at times something will have to give. 

Make sure I access support - there is lots of support (academic and wellbeing) within the universities but also talk to your friends and colleagues and support each other. 

My top tip for a career in healthcare... 

Be kind to yourself – prioritise your own wellbeing and do things that you enjoy. Get outside, see your family, and watch things you enjoy. You'll be a better nurse and student if you look after your own wellbeing.