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Kerry Taylor

Meet Kerry an adult nursing student at the University of Salford.

My career journey... 

My journey is not your typical one, as a child I always dreamed of being a nurse however as a teenager I lacked the confidence to pursue university and went into work. I had many jobs over the years and ended up working for the NHS in the payroll department, I loved working for the NHS.  

In 2017 I left the NHS to have my twins and became a stay at home single mum. Whilst searching for a way back into the workforce having been out of work for a few years I started a course at my local community centre. I was referred to a company which ran short return to work courses and it was there I met a lovely tutor who happened to be a nurse. With her words of encouragement, I did an access to higher education course at my local college. Applying for university was such a huge personal accomplishment and I was so happy I danced when I got my offer through UCAS. Adult nursing is the best thing I have ever done for myself outside of being a mother and I am so happy I made the leap.  

Since starting university, I have made many new friends and been a part of so many things. As someone who is passionate about effective communication and productive change, I am involved with the student union as a student representative for all the undergraduate adult nurses at Salford university. Through this role I have made many changes for the betterment of the student experience. I am very excited about my new role on the NHS England north west student council and what potential changes this will bring to enhance the experiences of student nurses in the north west. 

My future ambitions... 

Well firstly let’s get through this degree! 


About me: 

Besides all my roles within the university I am a single mother of three beautiful children, and I spend most of my time trying to play referee! In addition to my children, I have a Staffordshire bull terrier who is the same age as my twins… and believes she is the furry triplet. Being a mature student can be a juggling act and it’s important to look after yourself especially in the current climate. To wind down I like to meditate. I also take the time to have sofa sessions by this I mean binge watching shows like Greys Anatomy and Game of Thrones. It’s good to have time to rest your critical thinking brain - it’s all about finding a balance. 

My advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path... 

My best advice would be to focus on yourself, your own goals, and your own time schedule everyone has different juggling techniques and that’s ok. If things become overwhelming break the big stuff down into small manageable chunks. Don’t neglect reading the invaluable information your university has to share and speak to your tutors they are people too and have their own wild journeys to share. Never suffer in silence, university is a family, it’s hard work but supportive and rewarding and so worth it. 

If you want to be a nurse believe in you and …. Go for it !!! For me my university journey has been so rewarding the things you learn from your patients and the satisfaction you gain from seeing them get better and go home is priceless.