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Lynn Gibbons

Meet Lynn a student on the shortened masters of science midwifery course for registered nurses.

My career journey... 

I completed my A-Levels when I left school, but I didn’t go to university at this point, I had a various jobs before deciding to pursue midwifery. I had to complete an access course at my local college before applying to university. I then gained a place on the nursing degree, with the aim of undertaking a shortened midwifery course at a later date, so when I finish my midwifery course I will be dual trained as a nurse and midwife.  

I didn’t always want to be part of the midwifery workforce, but having my own children gave me an insight into midwifery and see how rewarding the role could be.  

What I enjoy most about midwifery... 

I really enjoy placement; I love working with midwives and supporting women throughout their pregnancy.  

My future career... 

I would love to stay working in the NHS, in the trust I am currently based in for my clinical placement.


About me: 

My spare time... 

I spend my spare time with my family or catching up with friends.  

My favourite films... 

Any Disney film. 

My favourite books... 

Any romantic books. 

My feel good song... 

I couldn’t pick just one, anything! 

My passions... 

I am most passionate about providing the best support to women and their families. Similar to my personal life, I am passionate about supporting my husband, children, and spending time with them, creating memories.  

Looking after my mental health... 

Completing this course, having many assessments and placements I did feel overwhelmed, but I have learnt to take time for myself, to prioritise the workload and to be kind to myself. 

My three pieces of advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path... 

Go for it, the degree will be difficult at times, but it will all be worth it in the end and when you are struggling remember why you applied to university and remember how exciting it was to get that offer through on UCAS. 

My top tips for managing working/studying/life balance... 

Start assignments as early as you can, be kind to yourself and plan in time for things you enjoy.