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Matt Coles

Meet Matt a trainee nursing associate from the University of Bolton.

Matt ColesMy journey into nursing... 

Before starting my course, I worked as a GP (General Practice) receptionist and then trained as a healthcare support worker. I really enjoyed this role but wanted to expand my knowledge further, improve patient care and have more responsibility, therefore I applied for the nursing associate apprenticeship. I chose to do an apprenticeship as it meant I could still work full time and earn a wage, but still expanding my knowledge. 

My future ambitions... 

I want to complete my apprenticeship and then explore opportunities to expand my knowledge further, for example I am interested in completing my registered nurse degree via the ‘top-up’ route. 




About me: 

My spare time... 

In my spare time I enjoy watching most sports, especially football and formula 1. 

My favourite TV series... 

I have to say this has to be Prison Break or Peaky Blinders! 

Make sure you manage your time effectively. Completing assessments and working full time can be daunting, so planning your time can really help. 

Reflect as much as possible. You will be learning lots so make sure you reflect and write things down. This will really help develop your understanding.  

Find some support groups either via your university or social media. These groups can be good for asking questions and learning from other people’s experiences.