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Megan Buckler

Meet Megan who is studying adult nursing at the University of Salford.

Megan Buckler

My career journey... 

I took a slightly longer route to get where I am. After sitting my A-Levels in 2018, I decided to take a gap year before studying Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield. After finishing my first three-year degree, I decided the career path I was following wasn’t right for me. I wanted to do something I’d find more enjoyable, something which would challenge me, and something which would utilise my skills, characteristics and experiences. This is when I decided to apply to a nursing degree! I do not regret undertaking my first degree, I learnt a lot about myself and what I’d like to achieve, as well as having lots of fun! So, this is your reminder that it's never too late to change your mind!  

About me: 

My spare time... 

I LOVE knitting! I enjoy spending time with my friend picking out a new jumper to knit and what colour of wool to use. While it takes a lot of patience, the process is very meditative, and the result is very rewarding! Additionally, I love TEA! All different types of tea. Therefore, sitting under a blanket with my current knitting project and a cup of tea is my idea of a good evening!  


Looking after my mental wellbeing... 

Looking after our own, and each other’s mental wellbeing is easier said than done. While I would love to say I have some ground-breaking advice, the reality is that I don’t. However, these are a few things I try to do to protect my mental wellbeing. 

  1. I allow myself to feel how I feel. Let yourself sit with how you're feeling and know that you don’t have to be happy every day. If we didn’t ever have bad days, we wouldn’t appreciate the good days!  

  1. I try not to judge my self-worth on my productivity! It's okay not to work flat out every single day. 

  1. I try to remind myself of my support circle, even if they don’t have the answer, they are happy to lend an ear.  

  1. I like to remember that university is only one part of my life, I also have hobbies I enjoy and people I like spending time with. This helps put things into perspective for me. Give yourself time to do things you enjoy, or even do nothing! 

My three pieces of advice for someone wanting to take a similar career path... 

  1. Take every opportunity you are interested in! These don’t just have to be related to your course, they could also be related to your hobbies and interests.  

  2. When it comes to placement, everyone has days where they find it hard to pull themselves from the comfort of their bed, but getting there is the hardest bit! Remind yourself of the conversations with patients that might not be had if you weren’t there, or the extra pair of hands you offer to staff, or the status quo you dare to challenge. Student nurses are an important part of the team, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!  

  3. Find people who understand. You will be part of a cohort of people who are all in the same boat as you, between you all there will be a variety of different skills which you can all share to help each other out. Respect and appreciate this group of people, you’re in it together!  

For those with a learning difficulty, don’t let this stop you! As someone who has dyslexia some of the academic aspects of university at first glance are challenging and overwhelming but with the help of tutors you can work out specific techniques that best suit you. It's about adapting to suit your personal learning needs.