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Mike Goulding

Meet Mike a trainee nursing associate at the University of Chester.

Mike GouldingMy career journey: 

I have worked in a hospital trust in my local area for some time now, I first started working as a web service development manager, building applications to help processes within our trust. Whilst working at the trust I have also helped on the wards during the busiest times. My role included making drinks, handing out meals or just sitting with and talking to patients. I was so overwhelmed by the impact I could make on patients just by having a simple conversation, people were so appreciative of the company and a friendly face. I loved this so much I decided to research how to become a nurse.  

I am currently in my second year of my nursing associate apprenticeship, which I am really enjoying. Being a mature student, I feel more motivated to succeed in my studies and I am grateful to be able to return to education after raising a family. I plan to continue my studies to becoming a registered nurse! 

About me... 

My spare time... 

I volunteer with St John Ambulance as a Unit Manager in my spare time. This role is a mixture of management and leadership, I am responsible for almost all aspects of volunteer development and community output. In addition, I support individual volunteers and our Chairty when doing events around our district.  

My pets... 

I have a 12-month-old cocker spaniel named “Charlie” who I walk with every morning dropping my little girl off at school. We also have a Guinea pig called Lola.  

My passions... 

I am very passionate about looking after my family, friends and patients in my care.  


My advice for someone considering a similar career path is GO FOR IT! You are never too old. If you have an ambition, learn new skills, take challenges, step outside your comfort zone all of which may bring great satisfaction and fulfilment. You will feel proud of yourself for setting goals and putting in the work to achieve them. These experiences can help you to develop as a person and improve your confidence in doing something you will enjoy.  

One of the most significant benefits of completing a nursing associate apprenticeship is the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a clinical setting. This experience can be invaluable when it comes to developing your nursing skills and helping you understand the practical aspects of healthcare.