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Miles Cooper

Meet Miles Cooper, a trainee nurse associate from the University of Sheffield. Find out more about Miles below! 

A man standing and smiling at the camera, dressed in his uniform.

My career journey:  

I am currently a second-year trainee nursing associate student at University of Sheffield.  

How I got here... 

I have taken the apprenticeship route of study to become a nursing associate at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust. I finished my A levels and was unsure whether further higher education was the right path for me, so I took a full-time job working as a teaching assistant in a Special Educational Needs Department at my previous school. During a training session within the department a nurse from the local hospital attended with a trainee nurse associate and I was fascinated by the role. I was intrigued about the aspect of gaining a degree alongside developing my passion of caring for others further. Therefore, I took a step forward into the healthcare vocation and have not looked back since.  

My future ambitions... 

Following the completion of my nursing associate course I would like to go on and undertake my registered nurse training.  I am also passionate about supporting healthcare students within my role in the hospital setting as well as at the University of Sheffield. I know the impact of how a positive educational experience improves the outcome of care we provide to members of the public.


About me:

What I do with my spare time... 

In my spare time, I enjoy running and trying to stay healthy alongside balancing my love of cooking and eating good food. I am also a student ambassador at the university which I really enjoy. 

My favourite film... 

My favourite films have to be the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, as well as Harry Potter of course. Perfect for a rainy day.  

My passions... 

I am most passionate about providing the highest level of care possible for patients and knowing that each day I am at work I can improve patients' health and wellbeing through the care I provide.  

Looking after my mental health... 

I try to look after my mental well-being by balancing my time appropriately and organising clear times for work, study and most importantly self-care by having rest days. I enjoy running as it allows some time to escape to the countryside.