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The South West Public Health Virtual Scientific Conference
27 March 2023
The south west public health virtual scientific conference took place earlier this month with the aim to showcase both service and university based public health research and evaluation from across the south west.
The conference was attended by a wide range of public health academic and service professionals throughout the region which included those from local authorities, higher education institutions, the NHS, UK Health Security Agency, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, business and the community and voluntary sector.
The event saw Professor Linda Bauld, Professor of Public Health, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh speak about the Cost of Living Crisis and Public Health. The event also saw a presentation from Professor Lea Berrang Ford, Research Chair in Climate and Health, University of Leeds and Deputy Director of the Centre for Climate and Health Security in the UK Health Security Agency about the Effects of Extreme weather and climate change on health.
The conference provided an opportunity for people to showcase their work, some had submitted abstracts to provide a showcase specifically for this event.
The remainder of the conference was very much over to people who want to showcase their work, people had submitted abstracts of their work that they would like to showcase at this event. The themes covered were mortality and infant vulnerability, physical activity, engaging with the community, children and young people, screening and immunisations and sexual health.
Feedback from this conference has been positive with delegates reporting it to be a great opportunity not only to showcase their work but to link with other people doing similar research, share practice and network.
If you wish to find out more information please contact