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‘A new organisation’
21 January 2022
This week, I am keen to update you on our work to bring together Health Education England, NHS Digital, NHSX, and NHS England and NHS Improvement into a new single organisation.
The legal merger of our organisations is subject to Parliament’s approval of the Health and Care Bill, and subsequent secondary legislation. In the meantime, we will continue to work more closely together.
Much of what we are already doing as part of our work to develop a long-term strategic framework for the health and care workforce will depend on creating an organisation which is fit for purpose and future proofed to deliver both now and in the years ahead.
We are at the very early planning stages, and have set up a Joint Transition Group, which brings together the Chairs and Chief Executives from all our organisations to discuss how we can guide the integration programme's next steps. This will draw on all our collective expertise, knowledge and experience, to lead and support our NHS.
Throughout these discussions my focus will remain on the education and training of our current and future workforce as we co-create a stronger organisation that aligns workforce, financial and service planning with education and training. I am keen to engage with you all as key partners across the health and care system on this important work.
How we come together as an effective organisation, with the right vision, values and culture to deliver the very best for our patients, communities and people is vital.
Our new organisation will be shaped by our workforce and our partners across the health and care system. By working together, with a shared vision for what the new organisation can be, we can make a profound difference to the lives of the people who work in our health and care system and the 60 million people who rely on them.
Aligning our people, services, finances, plans and responsibilities will be the cornerstone of both Integrated Care Systems and our new single organisation, which will be unified in purpose and focus and better able to align the right resources and levers when and where they are needed, including the workforce now and in the future.
Best Wishes
Dr Navina Evans
Chief Executive
Health Education England
This Page was last updated on: 7 January 2022