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SPIN: New to Practice Fellowships Scheme – Fatima Sharifee, General Practice Nurse (GPN)
8 November 2022
Fatima Sharifee, General Practice Nurse (GPN) at The Lewisham Care Partnership / St Johns Medical Centre and Honor Oak Group Practice, tells us about why they decided to take up a SPIN – New to Practice (NTP) Fellowship, what they have gained from the experience and why they would recommend it to others.
What attracted you into taking up a SPIN – NTP Fellowship?
This SPIN – NTP Fellowship Scheme attracted me as it was doing an additional day alongside my normal practice nurse role working with a GP Fellow. The prospect of this was exciting because it's not something that practice nurses would do typically in their day-to-day role.
One of the reasons I decided to take up this opportunity was because it was with a GP Fellow. It was great because we got the chance to bounce ideas off each other and to be there for each other, for support and to learn from one another – we just made a really good team.
The other thing that attracted me was that the Fellowship offered a really good mentor, and whenever we were stuck on the project we could ask someone for support and advice.
However, I think the most important reason for taking up this opportunity was that the fact that we had the chance to improve the care for patients at home.
Why would you recommend a SPIN – New to Practice Fellowship to other recently qualified GPs and General Practice Nurses?
I would recommend the SPIN – NTP Fellowship Scheme to recently qualified GPs and GPNs because it gives you the chance to make a lasting contribution. It's actually quite humbling that the small project that my colleague and I started together has developed further and is still being continued this year.
It's immensely rewarding when we get positive feedback from patients, which we often do, and I feel like we're bringing good quality of care to patients at home.
Has anything surprised you about your SPIN – New to Practice Fellowship?
I think what surprised me the most was that, when we were in the beginning phase of developing the project, I didn't realise just how many other healthcare professionals there are around you, that are so willing to help develop your project. It really helped my colleague and me when we were developing our project.
What one piece of advice would you give to someone considering taking up a SPIN – New to Practice Fellowship?
I think it would be to make a clear plan for your project and ensure it's realistic time-wise. Plus, it’s really helpful to know that you have a good mentor for support and for guidance.
How has your SPIN – New to Practice Fellowship helped you in your career and what are your aspirations now?
This project has really helped me to develop as a practice nurse. I feel I am more equipped with knowledge and resources – for example, I can now make better referrals to help patients a lot more.
It has certainly help in my day-to-day interaction with patients and has also helped me to become a more autonomous and confident practice nurse.
This is the fourth blog in our SPIN – NTP Fellowship series. Rachel Roberts, Primary Care Dean for HEE London, tell us how she set up the scheme while Munir Ali-Zubair looks at things from the perspective of a SPIN NTP GP Programme Director. Finally, Ferduche Miah shares what she has gained from becoming SPIN – NTP GP Fellow.
This Page was last updated on: 8 November 2022