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E.g., 14/02/2025
E.g., 14/02/2025

Our Chief Executive, Ian Cumming, welcomes learners across England

Posted by Ian Cumming, Chief Executive, Health Education England21 September 2015

You can find a transcript of Ian's message to learners below:

Dear All,

Welcome to the healthcare family and the start of your training which I hope will bring you a long and rewarding career working in health and healthcare.

Over 30 years...

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Our Director of Nursing, Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, welcomes nursing students across England

Posted by Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, Director of Nursing and Deputy Director of Education and Quality, HEE21 September 2015

Our Director of Nursing, Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, has released a message to new nursing students across England:

Dear all,

Welcome to the start of your new career!

As a qualified nurse myself I’m incredibly proud to be Director of Nursing at Health Education England (HEE), the...

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Ged’s blog on…The Six “Small Cs”

Posted by Ged Byrne, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education North West28 April 2014

Theo Paphitis, serial entrepreneur and star of Dragon’s Den when talking to new staff always asks the same question; “Who is the most important person in our business?” He says that the new employees always reply with the same answer; “the customer” to which he replies; “No! YOU are!” I think he...

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Ged's blog on...Do not confine your children to your own learning

Posted by Ged Byrne, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education North West20 March 2014

Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in a different time.

I first heard this ancient Hebrew proverb from a Professor of General practice during a heated debate about the value of medical students learning detailed anatomy during their undergraduate years...

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Ged's blog on...great teachers

Posted by Ged Byrne, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education North West26 February 2014

Did you see the BAFTA film awards on Sunday evening? Dame Helen Mirren received the Fellowship of the Academy at the end of the night. During her acceptance speech she asked the assembled ‘great and the good’ of show business to raise their hand if they attributed their success to a great...

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Ged's blog on...transforming learning environments

Posted by Ged Byrne, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education North West27 January 2014

The last month has been a real whirlwind for me as the challenges of my new role have begun to crystallise into an effective work plan. It is difficult to distil and conflate the key learning points for me because of the sheer number and variety of activities and events that have grabbed my...

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Ged's blog on...Education, Education, Education

Posted by Ged Byrne, Director of Education and Quality, Health Education North West19 November 2013

“Our top priority was, is and always will be education, education, education”. Tony Blair’s re-election speech in May 2001 has provided many a sound bite for leaders in the intervening period but what does it mean? Is it true? And if it is what exactly are we doing about it? There is a powerful...

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