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AHP Support Workforce Webinar – Radiography Support Worker

Event Location:

Online: 22nd February 2022, 12:00 to 13:30

This webinar builds on the implementation phase of our AHP support workforce journey, with the published AHP Support Worker Competency, Education and Career Development Framework and the guidance on roles & responsibilities for the diagnostic imaging support workforce and diagnostic radiography support workforce literature review

This session aims to engage, inspire, and encourage colleagues to partner with us in this longer term strategy.  It will cover:

This event is aimed at but not exclusive to:

  • Radiographer support workers and AHP support workers
  • Radiographers and other AHPs
  • AHP professional leads
  • AHP workforce supply strategy implementation project leads and AHP support workforce supply strategy implementation project leads
  • Chief AHPs / AHP leads
  • ICS colleagues
  • AHP professional bodies


  • Richard Griffin, Professor of Healthcare Management, King’s Business School, King’s College London
  • Sue Johnson, Professional Officer Clinical Imaging, Society of Radiographers
  • Penny Owens, Specialist Advisor, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Gemma Hall, Talent for Care Relationship Manager (Apprenticeships) North West, Talent for Care, Health Education England
  • Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, Health Education England