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Consultation on the Development of the Bands 1 to 4 Strategy
30 January 2014
Health Education England is currently developing a strategy for the Bands 1 to 4 workforce. The strategy, titled “Talent for Care”, signals the importance of the Bands 1 to 4 workforce in contributing to delivery of high quality healthcare services.
As part of the development of the “Talent for Care” strategy, Health Education England is keen to engage with stakeholders, including members of the Bands 1 to 4 workforce, to consider whether the approach and areas for inclusion are relevant and helpful.
Please take the opportunity to respond to the consultation. There are several ways in which you can do this:
Respond by email
Responses can be emailed to
Respond online
Click here to access the online response form.
Webinar discussion
Health Education North West will also be hosting several webinars to provide an overview of the consultation, and through shared discussion gain some collective responses in relation to the consultation.
- 6 February: 12pm-1pm
- 14 February: 2pm-3pm
- 18 February: 3pm-4pm
- 25 February: 11am-12pm
- 17 March: 3pm-4pm
If you are interested in joining a webinar please click here to register your free place.
Date for your diary
There are a series of national consultation events, with an event being held in Leeds on the 18 March. If you are interested in attending this or any of the events at any of the other locations please complete the registration form.
If you need any further information about the Consultation please contact