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Maternity workforce e-learning resource
1 June 2022
Health Education England e-learning for healthcare (HEE elfh) working with the HEE Maternity Team have developed a catalogue of resources for maternity staff to access key e-learning to support the delivery of care for women and families.
The Maternity Resources: Ockenden Immediate and Essential Actions catalogue pulls together existing programmes on the elfh Hub and have been collated into one easily accessible learning package.
This comprehensive e-learning package provides high quality training relevant to staff working in maternity services such as midwives, neonatal nurses, obstetricians, maternity healthcare support workers and paediatric staff. The programmes feature individual sessions which cover a host of topics including medical problems in pregnancy, fetal monitoring and preterm birth.
The e-learning catalogue has been developed to support the findings of the Ockenden report .
Sima Haririan, Deputy Lead Midwife at HEE, said: “We are delighted to take this positive step to support improvements to the delivery of maternity services across the country. This e-learning catalogue will make it easier for health and care colleagues to access high quality learning resources on many aspects of maternity care to help ensure that the NHS in England is one of the safest places in the world to have a baby.”
For more information and to access the free-of-charge catalogue, please visit the Maternity Resources: Ockenden Immediate and Essential Actions programme page.