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Report published on reasons why doctors leave the NHS
6 October 2021
Completing the picture – views of doctors who have stopped practising in the UK, why they left and what might encourage them to return has been published today and is available online.
Professor Sheona MacLeod, Deputy Medical Director, Education Reform, Health Education England said:
“We are pleased to see the publication of this report that Health Education England and their partners in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland asked the General Medical Council to carry out in order to understand the reasons for doctors leaving the NHS.
“This has been a useful barometer in our education reform work and will allow us to understand how we help support doctors who wish to return, as well as giving those thinking of leaving the profession the support to stay.
“We will work to remove the barriers for those looking to return to the NHS by improving induction back into work and information about how to enrol in the profession.”