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We want to hear from you! What do you think the doctor of the 21st century should look like?
30 August 2019
Health Education England (HEE) launches a Call for Evidence today that will close on Thursday 26th September.
The Call for Evidence is seeking views from the service, multi-professional regulatory bodies, clinical professionals and professional membership bodies. The focus will be on:
- the expectations of doctors in the future;
- the factors that will impact the role of the doctor in the future;
- what the role of the future doctor will be compared to what it is now; and
- the skills, knowledge and behaviours doctors will need to perform their role in the future.
The findings will be used to develop a consultation document on the Future Doctor, which will provide the basis of a formal consultation with patients and the public from November 2019
HEE has been asked to work with stakeholders and partners to establish a clear view on the role of the future doctor. This is an action in the NHS Interim People Plan, which begins to define how the NHS will develop a workforce that can deliver 21st century care.
Professor Wendy Reid, Executive Director of Education and Quality and Medical Director, HEE said:
“This is an important programme of work as we want a holistic view of what our clinicians will be doing in 10/20/30 years time. How we might train them? And how do we ensure we have a workforce that suits patients needs in the future?
We are working together with a number of stakeholder partners to help transform the workforce and ensure the NHS is the best place for anyone to work.”
Our findings will support the medical regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), to shape educational outcomes and signpost the future direction for Medical Royal Colleges in their curricular development.
For further info