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World Sepsis Day 2021- HEE launches new Sepsis Awareness Resource video

13 September 2021

For World Sepsis Day, HEE has released a new animation video, which showcases the available learning resources which have been designed to educate our health and care professionals on Sepsis cases and boost their confidence in responding to them.

The animation includes HEE’s work with key stakeholders in developing the THINK SEPSIS E-Learning Programme and a wide range of learning materials for primary care, secondary care, and paediatrics, as well as executive, non-executive and management level staff, and the public.

HEE has also worked with partners to develop learning platforms which focus on identifying Sepsis in whose who have learning disabilities, including songs, films, and podcasts. These are free and accessible to health and care professionals, carers, and people with a learning disability.

Dr Gary Wares, HEE Postgraduate Dean and Sepsis Clinical Lead, said:

“This video highlights what learning resources are available through HEE, how to access them and opportunities for their use. Everyone has a role to play, and early identification and management is key in reducing deaths from sepsis.”

Our newly released video animation can be found here.

Our THINK SEPSIS E-Learning Programme can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact: ltcp@hee.nhs.uk  

For more information on Sepsis, please visit our Sepsis Awareness page.