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South west news

Coming soon - news and events in the south west region.

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Displaying 13 - 18 of 116 items

Funding for mental health crisis education and training now open

Posted29 September 2023

NHS England identified a need for a training offer to support the development of the mental health crisis workforce for children and young people, adults and older people and is now accepting applications for the Mental Health Crisis Education and Training Fund for 2023/2025. The deadline for...

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Meet the team - September

Posted28 September 2023

Meet the team bringing you the latest South West bulletin for postgraduate doctors and dentists in training

We’ve worked with colleagues across training and education to bring...

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Educational and professional development

Posted28 September 2023

The Professional Education and Development (PED) team at NHS England South West is committed to organising and reviewing structured educational activities to support and complement the educational and professional development of postgraduate medical trainers and postgraduate doctors in training...

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Opportunities from the Primary Care Schools

Posted28 September 2023

The South West General Practice (GP) Training Programme welcomes interest in our schemes which include opportunities for training in a variety of top-rated, by the 2023 National Training Survey, for Secondary Care and Community.

based training including GP placements. Opportunities for...

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