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E-portfolio and downloadable resources

The NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio directly supports the use of the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist Assessment Strategy, which can be accessed here.

Access the E-portfolio

Trainees who are on the Bradford Sandwich Course starting in July 2024, and their designated supervisors, need to access their E-Portfolio.

More information including downloadable resources and specific assessment strategy for trainees on this programme is available on our dedicated Bradford Sandwich webpage.

Access to the e-Portfolio for the 2024-25 Foundation Training Year.

Oriel recruited trainees

All trainees recruited via Oriel will be provided access to the system automatically on 17 July.

New Designated Supervisors

All new designated Supervisors will need to register for access to the system by completing the 2024 registration survey.

Linking of trainees to designated supervisors

This will begin in late August and will be based on the information submitted to the GPhC as part of the My GPhC application process. This linking can only occur if the trainee and the Designated Supervisors have logged into the system. Oriel recruited Trainees must enter their GPhC number at first log in.

Please be aware that once a Designated Supervisor has access to the e-Portfolio system and is linked to their trainee, they will only be able to view the trainee’s e-portfolio when the trainee has logged in and subsequently created a new piece of evidence.

Trainees recruited outside of Oriel

Trainees who were recruited outside of Oriel or subsequently declined an Oriel training programme and don’t have access to the e-portfolio system, can register now using the link below. Registration will close at 23:59 on 6 December 2024. Once we have received your completed registration survey, it can take 2-4 weeks for access.

Register now for trainees recruited outside of Oriel.

E-portfolio webinars

Introduction to the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio

NHS England in collaboration with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) have hosted two webinars to introduce the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio for the 2024-25 Foundation Training Year.

The webinars provide an overview of how the E-portfolio directly supports the use of the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist Assessment Strategy, demonstrate key functions, outline the resources, and support available during the course of the year.

The recordings of the webinars can be found on the RPS  website.

E-portfolio drop-in sessions

NHS England will be facilitating a number of drop-in sessions to provide support to users on the E-portfolio and answer any queries users may have in using the platform. There is no registration requirement, and the sessions are open to all users, E-portfolio Champions and regional trainers. Each session will run for up to 30minutes. 

Please see below for dates, times and link to join the sessions.

The drop-in sessions will not be recorded.

Please note these sessions complement the national webinars which provide further details on specific elements of the E-portfolio. More information can be found on the RPS Website.

E-portfolio tips for users

  • Change in designated supervisor: If you are a trainee and have a change in designated supervisor, you must send a completed copy of the GPhC Change of foundation training details form to prereg@pharmacyregulation.org and your regional pharmacy team, email addresses for each region are available here.
  • New designated supervisors: You will only gain access to the E-portfolio once a correctly completed copy of the GPhC change form is received by the GPhC and NHS England and the information has been checked. It can take between 2-4 weeks to get access. If you cannot see your trainee on your dashboard, please ask your trainee to sign into their account and create and save some evidence, you should then be able to see their portfolio using the “My Trainees (DS)” summary page. If you have checked these points and are still unable to see your trainee within your “My Trainees (DS)” summary page, please contact eportfolio@rpharms.com to investigate this issue further. 
  • New education programme directors or educational leads: If you are a new education programme director or educational lead and need view-only access to your trainee’s dashboard, please complete the EPD survey for access.
  • Locked or suspended accounts or other functionality issues: Please contact the RPS at eportfolio@rpharms.com  or on 0207 572 2737 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Join our mailing list

To receive updates on e-portfolio developments, the foundation training year and the initial education and training of pharmacists, please join our mailing list.   

Assessment forms and video guides

We have developed a series of training videos and templates to help trainees and their designated supervisors collect evidence. Click on the headings below to download the forms in Word. The forms are also available at the end of this page under 'Related documents'.

Due to later developments, the screen shots within the videos may appear slightly different to your current E-portfolio, but this does not fundamentally change the functionality or guidance. 

Getting started

A checklist and training plan template are available: 

  • Induction checklist for mandatory and specific training resources 
  • Training plan template
  • Learning agreements
  • Designated supervisor self-development area: Designated supervisors will be required to complete a self-declaration of competence annually, to provide assurance that they are competent to conduct their role as a designated supervisor. Within this section of the E-portfolio, the designated supervisor can also upload additional evidence for their self-development.

Supervised learning events

Our guidance and short videos have been developed to support you in making the best use of the e-portfolio. You will also find additional information and an overview of the supervised learning event tools on the e-Learning for Health (elfh) website. An elfh account is required to access these modules via registration with elfh, via OpenAthens or the CPPE website.  

Other evidence forms

  • Contribution to Care Log - Can be used to record a range of assessment activities - Watch this short video to find out more
  • Reflective Account - For completing a reflective account on how learning outcomes are being met across one or more activities undertaken - Watch this short video to find out more
  • Miscellaneous Evidence - Can be used to record any assessment activity - Watch this short video to find out more
  • CPD Planned - For planned learning entries to record CPD
  • CPD Unplanned - For unplanned learning entries to record CPD
  • Training Plan Template - Can be used to to develop a training plan for a trainee’s placement (coming soon)
  • Induction Checklist - Can be used to support training sites to induct trainees into their programme (coming soon)

Progress reviews

  • Signing off learning outcomes - Watch this short video to find out more 
  • 13 and 26-week progress reviews - Watch this short video to find out more

Communications and feedback 

Multisource feedback

Patient satisfaction questionnaire

E-portfolio Frequently Asked Questions 

Please also refer to the comprehensive NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio User Guide and the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio: Collaborator Guide.

Click on the '+' signs for the latest e-portfolio FAQs.

Should we build evidence of learning in the NHS England E-portfolio and in other existing e-portfolios?  

The NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio has been designed to support trainee pharmacists in all sectors of pharmacy.

If you are currently using an e-portfolio provided by your employer or an external provider, please discuss the options with them.

How can trainees completing their foundation training within industry best manage their portfolio/training record? 

The E-portfolio enables trainee pharmacists and their designated supervisor(s) to document their progress against the GPhC Interim Learning Outcomes, which can be done irrespective of sector of practice. We would encourage all trainee pharmacists to use the E-portfolio. 

We are interested to hear from those in industry and understand if the E-portfolio has been built in a way that enables them to document their evidence from their experience. If there are issues arising, please email england.traineepharmacist@nhs.net

I have just submitted work to my DS but the system is not showing it has been sent.

The system updates your portfolio every 5 minutes.  Therefore, at times, it can take up to 5 minutes for an action to be processed and seen on screen.

How do I get access to the E-portfolio?

Oriel recruited trainees

All trainees recruited via Oriel will be provided access to the system automatically on 17 July 2024.

You will receive an automated email from <noreply@messages.axiadigital.co.uk> which will provide you with login details to access the e-portfolio.

Please check your junk/spam mail folder as automatic emails can get filtered out as spam.

Trainees recruited outside of Oriel

Trainees who were recruited outside of Oriel or subsequently declined an Oriel training programme and don’t have access to the e-portfolio system, can register now using the link below. Registration will close at 23:59 on 6 December 2024. Once we have received your completed registration survey, it can take 2-4 weeks for access.

Register now for trainees recruited outside of Oriel.

New designated supervisors or education programme directors/educational leads

All new designated supervisors/education programme directors, who don’t have access to the system, will need to register for access to the system by completing the 2024 registration survey.

What happens after I have completed the registration survey?

If you do not have an e-portfolio account, access will be provided on 5 August 2024, for those who have completed the survey by the end of July.

For anyone who completes the survey from August onwards, registrations are processed in date order of receipt and can take up to 4 weeks to process. You will receive an automated email from <noreply@messages.axiadigital.co.uk> which will provide you with login details to access the e-portfolio.

Please check your junk/spam mail folder as automatic emails can get filtered out as spam.

How do I check if I have access to the e-portfolio?

Access the e-portfolio here. Your username will either be your GPhC number or Oriel pin number and use the forgotten password link.

I am a designated supervisor and have access to the e-portfolio but I don’t seem to be linked to my trainee?

- The following are the main reasons why you may not be able to see your trainee:

- Your trainee’s account has not been set up yet. If your trainee was recruited via Oriel, they will automatically have access to the system from 17 July. If your trainee was recruited outside of Oriel, they will need to register from August for access. Registration can take 2-4 weeks to process.

- Your trainee has not logged in and/or created any evidence within their e-portfolio.

- We can only link trainees to supervisors once the trainee and supervisor have logged into the system. The trainee must create a piece of evidence for the supervisor to see this link

- If the supervisor subsequently changes mid-programme, the trainee will need to login and create a new piece of evidence for this new supervisor to see the trainee portfolio. At this point, they will be able to view all other evidences.

You should then be able to see their portfolio using the “My Trainees (DS)” summary page.

If you have checked the points above and are still unable to see your trainee within the “My Trainees (DS)” summary page, please contact eportfolio@rpharms.com to investigate this issue further.

Can a pharmacist training to become a designated supervisor have access to a trainee's E-portfolio?

Only designated supervisors who are named on the trainee pharmacist GPhC application (or change form) will be given access to the E-portfolio. Access to a trainee pharmacist E-portfolio is linked to the designated supervisor information held by the GPhC.

I am an educational programme director/educational lead: What access rights do I have within the trainee E-portfolio?

As an educational programme director/educational lead, you will be able to view your trainees’ overall progress during the foundation training year. You will have access to a summary dashboard of all trainees within your organisation or cohort including:

- Trainee name  
- Associated designated supervisor for each trainee  
- Associated cohort of each trainee  
- Cumulative count of all records mapped to the NHS England assessment activities for each associated trainee  
- A progress bar to show an ‘at a glance’ view of the progress the relevant trainee is making against the learning outcomes  
- Number of days leave taken (which includes annual leave, sickness, and other leave)  
- A count of the number of meeting records they have created using the designated supervisor meeting tool (this does not include a count of any other meeting types - i.e., progress review meetings, or Other Meetings)  
- Columns indicating whether the trainee has completed their 13-weekly Foundation Training Progress Reports and the outcome.

I am an educational programme director/educational lead and have been given access to view the E-portfolio, but I can’t see any of my trainees when I log in?

You will not be able to view the E-portfolio unless your associated trainees and designated supervisors have access to and have started using their E-portfolio by creating evidence. If your trainee is visible but you can only see the designated supervisors' GPhC number and not their name, this means the designated supervisor has not yet got an account. You will need to liaise with your trainees and designated supervisors to ensure they have access and have started to use the E-portfolio.

I am an educational programme director/educational lead and need to complete a trainee’s progress report as the designated supervisor is absent and will not be able to complete the review on time. Can I have access to the E-portfolio?

As per GPhC requirements – progress reports should be carried out by the trainee’s named designated supervisor.  If the education programme director or educational lead is to carry this out, then the GPhC and NHS England need to be informed, and the change in designated supervisor process needs to be followed (see new designated supervisor FAQ in Accessing the e-portfolio section above).

I am a designated supervisor signing off evidence that has already been reviewed by a ticketed supervisor (collaborator). Do I need to review the assessment activity and learning outcome mapping?

As a designated supervisor, your role is to review evidence submitted by the trainee in full, including the assessment activity and learning outcome mapping. Ultimately, you will be responsible for signing off the evidence submitted and learning outcomes for the trainee, so it is important that you review all evidence submitted in full, including any mapping, regardless of whether or not a collaborator has reviewed the evidence as well, before signing it off. Speaking to the trainee and ticketed supervisor (the person who supervised the activity) will facilitate this.

Why do the progress reports need to be logged within the E-portfolio?

This will allow you, your designated supervisor, education programme director or educational lead to monitor that foundation training progress reports are conducted in a timely manner and whether they are satisfactory or not. Please note: if any progress report is unsatisfactory, the GPhC should be notified separately.

What does the trainee have to do if their 13 or 26-week progress review is marked as unsatisfactory?

The trainee must notify the GPhC separately.

The designated supervisor should agree a plan of action with their trainee. A new or updated learning needs analysis (LNA) and action plan with SMART objectives should help to facilitate this (see e-portfolio user guides and resources published on this page for further details of the LNA).

I am a designated supervisor and waiting for access to my trainee's E-portfolio. How can I conduct the 13-week progress report and sign this off within the E-portfolio?  

The GPhC paperwork to conduct the 13-week progress report can be found here. The 13-week progress report should not be delayed. We suggest meeting with your trainee and looking through the E-portfolio together, to review progress and discuss action plans. The trainee will be able to upload the progress report to the E-portfolio. When you receive access, you will be able to sign this off.

Please note: If the 13-week progress report is unsatisfactory, the trainee must notify the GPhC separately. 

Please see the GPhC website for more details.

The foundation trainee pharmacist's named designated supervisor is not able to carry out the GPhC progress report due to sickness/absence. Can the educational lead for the programme complete this?

As per GPhC requirements – The progress reports should be carried out by the named designated supervisor. If the education programme director or educational lead is to carry this out, then the GPhC and NHS England need to be informed and the change in designated supervisor process needs to be followed (see ‘I have a new or additional designated supervisor who needs access to my e-portfolio – what should I do?” FAQ in “Accessing the E-portfolio” FAQ section).

How can a workplace supervisor review evidence in my E-portfolio before my designated supervisor signs it off?

The “ticketing” processes allow you to invite another pharmacy/ healthcare professional who has supervised an assessment activity to review and comment on the evidence you record in your E-portfolio. For example, this could be  your workplace supervisor, clinical supervisor, practice supervisor or collaborator. . All supervisors must be trained and appropriately experienced to act as supervisors as described in the GPhC Standards for the initial education and training of pharmacists. They must witness you completing the activity and agree to review and authenticate the evidence as a ‘ticketed supervisor’ in the E-portfolio. See the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio: Collaborator Guide for further details.

Designated supervisors are ultimately responsible for checking the evidence submitted, including the interim learning outcomes against which it has been mapped prior to signing off the evidence.

Ticketed supervisors cannot view or access your full E-portfolio: they can only access the evidence that you send them a ticket for. The ticketed supervisor will receive an email with a link direct to the evidence you have invited them to review.

My workplace supervisor has not reviewed evidence sent to them via the ticketing system in the E-portfolio.  What do I do?

Please contact your workplace supervisor and highlight that there is evidence for them to review. The email may have gone into their junk/spam mailbox. It will be from axiadigital.co.uk.  The email will have a one-time link and expire after 28 days. If it is not reviewed within this timeframe, you will need to resend the link via the E-portfolio.

You may also wish to discuss this with your designated supervisor, who could discuss reviewing evidence with your ticketed supervisor.

Can a pharmacy technician or other health professional be workplace supervisors?

Yes, pharmacy technicians and other health professionals, can supervise learning events (SLEs), such as MiniCEX, CBDs, DOPS or MRCF, provided this is agreed with your designated supervisor. All supervisors must be trained and appropriately experienced to act as supervisors as described in the GPhC Standards for the initial education and training of pharmacists. They must witness you completing the activity and agree to review and authenticate the evidence as a ‘ticketed supervisor’ in the E-portfolio. See the NHS England Foundation Trainee Pharmacist E-portfolio: Collaborator Guide for further details.