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Part One: Background and Context 

Introduction to AHP Pre-preceptorship 

AHP Pre-preceptorship is a period of preparation to support AHPs to transition towards employment (NHS England, 2023). Pre-preceptorship introduces and continues into preceptorship, which ensures a period of structured support at key points of career transition.  

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In 2023 the NHS England AHP Preceptorship Standards and Framework highlighted the Step to Work eLearning as an element of pre-preceptorship best practice to support the transition into employment.  

The recommendations in this document identify further pre-preceptorship opportunities for learners, Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and employers to support career transition and retention. The term learner is used throughout this document to refer to pre-registration student and apprentice AHPs who are preparing to join the workforce for the first time.  

The scoping, research and subsequent recommendations outlined in this document are primarily focused on Newly Qualified Practitioners (NQP). However, some elements would also be applicable for those preparing for other workforce transitions, such as returning to work after a long period away (including being re-admitted to the register), working in the UK for the first time, taking up a new role, or moving to a new organisation. It may also be useful for other professional groups outside of AHP.