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AHP Students


The NETS 2023 is now closed, please follow the following link for more information including reports.

AHP Student Council

The Midlands AHP Student Council started in September 2022, it aims to represent the student voice on contemporary issues, challenges and successes relating to AHP student education.

Membership to the council lasts for 12 months, with roles and responsibilities assigned during each meeting to provide a range of experience to students. Guest speakers, AHP projects and various NHSE WT&E workstream discussions are held during and between meetings.

There are currently 22 students recruited to the council with a mix of 10 allied health professions from 10 higher education institutes from across the Midlands region.  

Meet the Council

Anna Prosser

Anna Prosser is a second year Speech and Language Therapy student at De Montfort University, graduating in 2024. She has been a HEE Student Council Member since September 2022. Having previously worked full time as a professional classical singer and singing teacher, Anna has a particular interest in voice and hopes to work in this area once she’s qualified.

Bethany Diggins

Bethany DigginsBethany is a third year Physiotherapy student. She is hoping to work in paediatric care in the future. Bethany has experience in neuro, trauma and orthopaedics, dementia and frailty, leadership, and paediatrics. Currently, she is supporting other students by being a course representative and the president of her university’s Physiotherapy society. She wants to continue working to help other students by being a part of the council. She hopes that she can represent the views of students she knows to help make an improvement in working as an AHP student.


Florence Edwards

Florence EdwardsFlorence Edwards is a student therapeutic radiographer at Birmingham City University in her 1st year of study. Therapeutic radiographer treats patients with cancer using high energy X-rays.




Madeleine Lock

Madeleine LockMaddie is in the final year of her Occupational Therapy MSc at the University of Lincoln. She graduated with a First-Class degree in Education with English from Durham University and went on to work in a specialist school and then as an Occupational Therapy Assistant in a community reablement team for a short time before embarking on training to be a fully qualified OT. Maddie became a member of the AHP Student Council when it was first set up in the summer of 2022. 

Email: 25958090@students.lincoln.ac.uk | Twitter: @MaddieALock


Phoebe Chong

Phoebe ChongPhoebe is an aspiring Occupational Therapist. She is currently in her 2nd year at university and has experienced both physical and mental health settings for her placements. She has yet to discover her specialist pathway of interest and is open to experience different settings where Occupational Therapy may take her.  


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