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Midlands AHP Practice-Based Learning Webinar Series

HEE Midlands hosted a series of webinars and workshops focused on AHP practice based learning in 2023!

Workshop / Webinar

Please register to receive the invites for the remaining webinars. Please get in touch via the team inbox: alliedhealthprofessionsheemidlands@hee.nhs.uk

Clinical Tariff - Access and Transparency

The Clinical Tariff webinar was held on 19th January 2023, the recording and associated resources can be accessed below:

Research Practice-Based Learning

The Research Practice Based Learning webinar was held on 26 January 2023, the recording and associated resources can be accessed below:

Education Practice Based Learning

The Education Practice-Based webinar was held on 1 February 2023, the recording and associated resources can be accessed below: