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We remain committed to working in partnership with all our system partners and stakeholders for the benefit of patients, learners, supervisors and educators.

When a concern arises regarding an education and training programme and/or an approved learning environment, NHS England regional education quality teams, education providers and placement providers must work together to ensure regulatory and educational standards for education and training continue to be met. Education institutions and those responsible for the management of approved training programmes are required to report concerns to NHS England WT&E, particularly where an issue affects the clinical learning environment or where the concern may pose a risk to patient and/or learner safety.

It is important to recognise that the education or placement provider will remain responsible for the management and mitigation of the concern. NHS England WT&E will be able to offer support and will require providers to share progress updates and confirmation of resolution.

Sharing and escalating quality concerns

Reporting to NHS England WT&E should take place where there is a risk of, or evidence that, one or more of the Education Quality Framework standards for education quality are not being met.

How to report and escalate quality concerns

To report a concern, please contact the regional quality team, details are available on our website.

HEE Intensive Support Framework and Emerging Concerns Protocol

This is designed to enable the categorisation  of  concerns  and  provide  support to  address them.  The ISF facilitates a graded approach to reporting and support, with strong collaboration and partnership working between quality teams, providers, specialty schools, programme leads and other relevant stakeholders in line with the HEE Quality Framework. The framework underpins our policy on the Removal of Learners from Clinical Placements in Relation to Serious Concerns. Read the full framework

This provides a process for health and social care organisations and regulators to share information that may indicate risks to people using services, their carers, families or professionals. The protocol strengthens existing arrangements, providing a clear mechanism for raising concerns and ensuring a collaborative approach to any proposed actions. Read the full protocol.

HEE expects that all staff, including learners, are able to speak up if they have any concerns, without fear of negative consequences.

Information about protected disclosure can be found here.