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Walking in my shoes... clinician supporting students

If you are a new healthcare student or starting a new placement you may find this resource helpful. 

Clinician supporting placement students:

Welcome to clinical practice! We love having students join us, there is no better way to showcase healthcare than being in clinical practice. 


We want to help, so here are some things we think may be useful...

Research the department before arriving. Ask others who have been on a similar placement, or when enquiring about shifts let the nurse know you have not had a placement in this area before and they will advise you on what to read up on prior to the placement starting. 

Being on time and dressed in the correct uniform is an important part of your placement and of your professional development. 

We like to see students getting involved and being proactive.

We know you won't know everything; we don't expect you too. We know you might come with little experience, we don't mind that! Just ask anything you want to know, and don't worry about saying you are unsure, we want to teach you!

We will stand with you and show you when you try something for the first time, second time, third time, however long it takes for you to feel confident. 

We do get busy, and we may not have a chance to call out for you to come with us to see a patient, but don't be shy, just follow one of us!

You are on placement to learn, you are supernumerary, see that as your permission to go and see as much as possible in the time you are with us. 

Whilst we are experienced nurses we can feel overwhelmed sometimes. 

When we need a break, we try to take a break and ask for help when we need it. It is important that whilst on placement you learn this too and hold onto it as you continue your studies and career.

You will hear a lot about being resilient, however this does not mean going until you break, it means knowing when to take a break. Being emotionally intelligent and reflective are key attributes to excel in healthcare. 

Share your authentic selves with us and we will do the same with you.

Together, we will care for our selves, our patients and do it with a smile!

You are our future.